Card protection on all 4 sides. Sling your bling with peace of mind.
Sealable perfect fit sleeves protect all 4 sides of your card enhancing it’s resistance to dings, dinks anddragons*. With a Sealable perfect fit, your card sits in a protective pocket where there is no risk of fingerprint smudges, and dirt and dust will have a hard time finding their way inside. Sealable perfect fits don’t use glue, meaning they are resealable and you can re-house your cards.
Cards double-sleeved with sealable perfect fits will be slightly thicker than those double-sleeved with normal perfect fits. Double-sleeving whole decks with sealable perfect fits will make them noticeably thicker.
Cards double-sleeved with sealable perfect fits will have a little bit of air in them, you can press on the double-sleeved card with the palm of your hand and rock your palm back and forth gently to push the air out, to save some time you can do this with stacks of cards at a time.
How to sleeve with Sealable perfect fits:
*sealable perfect fit sleeves don’t protect from dragons
Bravest Warriors Catbug Standard Deck Protector (50-Pack) - Ultra Pro Card Sleeves
Fury - $13.99
Might - $13.99
Eucalyptus - $13.99
Wisdom - $13.99
Truth - $13.99
Crypt - $13.99
Justice - $13.99
Dragon Shield 100ct Matte Dual Sleeves in Box
Black - $11.49
Jet - $11.49
Orange - $11.49
Crimson - $11.49
Blood Red - $11.49
Ruby - $11.49
Gold - $11.49
Dragon Shield 100ct Matte Sleeves in Box